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Fetching geodata information using Bing Maps API in Power BI

Sometimes you might have to perform analysis based on geographical information. Be it that you have to calculate the distance or travel duration between two points, you need to display some points of interest on a map or simply the need to fetch information such as latitude or longitude for an address to use it in a geospatial visualisation. This is where the web datasource in Power Query comes in handy. Here is how this can be done utilizing Bing Maps API:

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Part 2: Handling missing data in Power BI using R

Missing data is a topic that has received unsufficient attention. All demos, posts and examples normally suppress the fact that in many projects data is likely to be incomplete. There are various reasons for this. In real world missing data is everywhere and significantly influences the quality of your analysis. That is why handling missing data is so important. 


If you are new to using R in Power BI I recommend reading the first part of this series. It will get you started with all the necessary technical details so you can follow along:

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Start of series: Getting started with R in Power BI

Power BI is a versatile Business Intelligence platform that offers an endless range of options, features and technical skills to master. In addition Power BI can be enhanced by various extensions such as Python or R. These languages open a wide range of capabilities to use in your data analysis process. This series is about using the R-language in Power BI. I don’t know yet how many parts this series will have or which topics it will contain, but l hope you will join me on my journey into this interesting area of Power BI.

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Performance best practice: Where to create a calculated column in Power BI, SSAS or Power Pivot

One of the many aspects I love about Power BI is that you can achieve the same goal in many different ways. This will allow you to choose the path that suits your personal preferences, technical skills or specific restrictions in your project best.

But sometimes exactly this becomes a problem, if the situation and skills allow you to take several paths and you have to decide which one to go. This e.g. might be the case when creating calculated columns in Power BI, SSAS Tabular or Power Pivot.

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Teil 3: "For-Next"-Schleifen programmieren mit List.Accumulate() in M für Power Query

Hallo und willkommen zum dritten Teil der Serie "Schleifen programmieren in M". Im den ersten beiden Teilen der Serie haben wir uns mit der grundsätzlichen Möglichkeit beschäftigt, Schleifenkonstrukte in M mit Hilfe rekursiver Funktionen bzw. der Funktion List.Generate() zu erzeugen. 

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Part 3: Programming "For-Next"-Loops using List.Accumulate() in M for Power Query

Welcome to the third and last part of the series "Programming loops in M". In the first two parts we dealt with some options to create loop constructs in M with the help of recursive functions or the function List.Generate().

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Teil 2: "Do-Loop"-Schleifen programmieren mit List-Generate() in M für Power Query

Im ersten Teil der Serie haben wir uns grundsätzlich mit der Möglichkeit befasst Schleifenkonstrukte, ähnlich denen anderer Programmiersprachen, zu programmieren. Wir haben uns hierzu das Konzept der rekursiven Funktion in M angeschaut, haben uns damit beschäftigt wie Rekursionen funktionieren, warum sie funktionieren, aber auch, welche Nachteile mit ihrer Verwendung einhergehen. 

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Part 2: Programming "Do-Loop" loops with List-Generate() in M for Power Query

In the first part of the series we basically dealt with the possibility of programming loops similar to those of other programming languages in M for Power Query. We looked at the concept of recursive functions, how recursions work in the M-language, why they work, and the issues of using them.

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Start der Reihe: Schleifen programmieren mit M in Power Query

Vielleicht bist Du ja eher in Programmiersprachen wie C#, Java oder Visual Basic zuhause. Sollte dem so sein, ist Dir die Programmstruktur der Schleife sicher bekannt. Eventuell ist Dir dieses Konzept sogar so in Fleisch und Blut übergegangen, dass Du es häufig ganz automatisch für die Lösung Deiner Aufgabenstellungen heranziehst. Es könnte sein, dass Du Dich sogar zum ersten Mal intensiv mit der M-Language beschäftigst und nun versuchst mit dieser Herangehensweise auch in Power Query zum Ziel zu kommen?

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Start of series: Programming loops with M-language in Power Query

Maybe you are more at home in programming languages like C#, Java or Visual Basic. If this is the case, you are probably familiar with the programming structure of loops. This concept may even have become flesh and blood so much that you often use it "automatically" to solve your problems. It could even be that you are working intensively with the M-Language for the first time and are now also trying to reach your goal with this approach in Power Query or Power BI?

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